Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Creamy Coffee Trifle

7-8" sponge cake

To make cream mixture:
chilled cream - 200 gms
black coffee - 1 tsp
sugar - 4 tsp

For coffee syrup:
water - 2 tsp
coffee powder - 1.5 tsp
sugar - 2 tsp

For custard:
milk - 2.5 cups
sugar - 4tsp
pine apple custrad - 2 tbsp

Sugar syrup for the fruit:
apples - 2
mangos - 2
water - 1/2 cup
sugar - 2 tsp
lemon juice - 1 tsp

To make the fruit syrup:
- peel and cut the fruits into small cubes
- Boil fruits in 1/2 cup water with lemon juice an add 2 tsp sugar
- Cook for 2 -3 mins in low flame after they are being boiled
- keep them aside

Coffee decotion:
- in a vessel add 2 tsp of water and add the coffee powder
- add 2 tsp sugar and keep it aside in the fridge for cooling

Cream mixture:
- whip the cream for few minutes until thick.
- when the mixture is thinck then when taken in hand it will not drip
- add sugar and coffee powder to it and mix well.
- mix well and keep it in the fridge for it to cool
To make the custard:
- boil 2 cups of milk
- add sugar to it.
- mix the custard powder to the remaining milk and mix well without any lumps.
- now add this to the boilt milk and boil until the mixture become thick
- set it in the fridge to cool.

To make the final product:

- in a flat bowl, arrange the cakes well as though the form a layer as a base.
- to it add the fruit syrup alone until the cakes are soaked
- do not add more of the syrup then it will become more liquidised
- and leave it aside for 10 mins- now the cake would be soft
- now add the cream mixture and spread them evenly.
- then add the fruits to the cake and spread them evenly
- then grease them with the custard paste
- now add the coffee decation on top and
- spread them evenly and leave them to cool in the fridge for 3 hours

Serve cold.
Cut them from inside and serve with nuts on top.
Nuts is optional!!!!!

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